Hotel Westfalenhaus i Kuarajhy

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayHotel Westfalenhaus



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1577, Sargento Primero Manuel Benítez, 1728, Kuarajhy, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 291 241
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.269126, Longitude: -57.566317

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Brock

    Andrew Brock


    Top rate small hotel. Very friendly staff and a nice place to relax with a cocktail or go for a quick swim. Food good.

  • Gareth Bowen

    Gareth Bowen


    This is a hotel with a difference. It has a real homely feel to it. All of the staff are really polite,friendly and helpful. The food in the restaurant is excellent and very well priced. My wife and i really enjoyed our stay here. Highly recommend

  • Peter van der Poll

    Peter van der Poll


    Good quiet parking lot with electricity and switchable lighting. Water, toilet, shower and smalle swimming pool across the street in the hotel. Toilet dump not available. Very pleasant staff. Laundry and Superseiz around the corner. Good free Wi-Fi in hotel.

  • Scott Remy

    Scott Remy


    Great hotel! Great people! The breakfast is very good. The restaurant has a good variety of foods. Good bar. Plus they stock the refrigerator with drinks and snacks. Pool table and ping-pong table.

  • Luis Biancini

    Luis Biancini


    The hotel is very colonial with designs and interesting food of German and Paraguay origin, the attention is very complete, however you must take into account that it is close to the shopping centers of Asuncion and a residential area, but not near the historical center of the city. city.

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