Hotel Westfalenhaus i Asunción

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ParaguayHotel Westfalenhaus



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Sargento 1° Manuel Benítez 1577 c/ Kuarajhy, Barrio Mburukuja, Asunción 1749, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 291 241
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.269086, Longitude: -57.566227

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jasween Gill


    Hotel Westfarlenhous is not at all what I thought. It is my first time in Paraguay, when we got picked up by the hotel shuttle and got to the hotel, well from outside it didn't look that great but once I got to the lobby wow, the host was so lovely and helpful. Also they speak English. The room and the whole place looks like a resort. The rooms are classy and comfortable, walking distance to the malls and great restaurants. I really loved this place just to relax. There is nothing much to do, paraguay is not a really tourist place, but enough to keep us busy for 3 days. I definitely coming back to Paraguay, and staying here. All the staff are amazing and the meals at Westfarlenhous are amazing. Thank you so much for looking after us! Kind Regards Jasween Gill

  • es

    Maria Estela Fariña


    El personal es muy amable, el hotel tiene rincones bohemios, la decoracion con buena tematica y en buen estado...disfrutamos las veces que hemos estado alli

  • Ever Gustavo Morel Silva

    Ever Gustavo Morel Silva


    Acogedor. Habitación muy confortable. Patio interior agradable. Piscina muy buena. Personal de servicio excelente. Atiende el propio dueño, muy atento y servicial

  • en

    Stan Funk


    Very Nice...

  • Gustavo Grzybovski

    Gustavo Grzybovski


    Great hotel

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