ibis Asuncion i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Paraguayibis Asuncion



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2060, Avenida Aviadores del Chaco, 1771, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 620 1000
internet side: all.accor.com
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Latitude: -25.2841757, Longitude: -57.5658477

kommentar 5

  • Jorg Hein

    Jorg Hein


    Good hotel, it's clean, the people are very friendly and helpful. 24/7 hotelbar with cold drinks and good food.

  • Juan Martín Baumann

    Juan Martín Baumann


    One of the best cost-benefit options in Asunción. Great staff.




    Need to fix the A/C to accommodate people like me that cannot sleep in such a warm room because it's "winter time" which means, outside temperature is 37 degrees Celsius but since in the "calendar" it's still winter they control the central A/c not to cool the rooms! In other words; the management dicides when U need A/c and when U don't. I had to pack up my staff and move to a different hotel that doesn't control the A/c, each room has it's own control! Such a shame, Ibis chain all over are very reliable, but not in Asuncion!

  • Luciano Gasparini

    Luciano Gasparini


    Amazing experience. Ibis Asuncion is up above the Ibis standard and reminds me the European atmosphere. I'll definitely come back.

  • Ariel Roel

    Ariel Roel


    Great place to if you are staying in Asuncion in a business trip. It is located in the best neighbourhood of the city. The check in and check out process is expedited, and the personnel is always willing to help. The restaurant area is open 24 hours, and the internet works very well. The only point is the size of the rooms, which are quite small for a city like Asuncion.

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