Apar-T-otel Porta Westfalica i Asunción

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ParaguayApar-T-otel Porta Westfalica



🕗 åbningstider

Dr. Camacho Dure 555 C. Canete, Asunción, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 971 208572
internet side: aparthotel-porta-westfalica-hotel.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.261632, Longitude: -57.565706

kommentar 5

  • en

    Melanie Humphreys


    It is a hotel on a quieter street. The outdoor patio area is great, it is the best part of the place, and there aren't a lot of people around. The staff is friendly. However, the beds are so hard that numerous ones of us in our party of 8 woke up aching. The futon has springs that you can feel the moment you sit down. We arrived to find dirty water in the coffee maker, and found someone else's flip flops under our bed - after the room had been cleaned by the maids! 😑 Whom we also had to ask to clean the bathtub, because they wouldn't do it unless we asked, and we had to find them for extra toilet paper which they didn't leave.

  • valentina soy

    valentina soy


    Excelente lugar

  • Claudio Chamorro

    Claudio Chamorro


    Apart Hotel muy bueno ambiente familiar, todas las comodidades al servicio del huésped, seguridad, estacionamiento, pileta, gym, parrilla, todo lo necesario para que el alojamiento en el lugar sea de lo mejor, la atención es de las mejores, y personalizada.

  • es

    Julio Gerez


    Estuvo bien

  • victoria baez

    victoria baez


    Excelencia.. muy buen lugar

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