Black Cat Hostel i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayBlack Cat Hostel



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129, Eligio Ayala, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 449 827
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.2824759, Longitude: -57.6326556

kommentar 5

  • Cathrin



    Great atmosphere and lovely owner. Had a great time. I can highly recommend this hostel!

  • Ramiro Bestilleiro Rey

    Ramiro Bestilleiro Rey


    Regular visitor and always happy to return. The owner and staff are ever so friendly. The small swimming pool is perfect to soak in during the intense heat of the day. The rooms have much needed aircon and fans; cold drinks (beer or soft drinks) can be bought at reception. Ideal location a block away from the main old city centre, the tourist police station, bus stop for buses from the 'new' city centre, and short walk to the riverside beach and Paseo Marítimo.

  • Anderson Ferreira

    Anderson Ferreira


    Good location. Reasonable care. It fulfills its purpose.

  • Cynthia Saunders

    Cynthia Saunders


    Nice attention. Be careful not to ask the room near the receptions area.. too noises..

  • Andreas Engelmayer

    Andreas Engelmayer


    One of the worst hostels I stayed. Looked nice at first sight BUT: Too many people hanging around (including their dogs in the kitchen) who seem not to work there and are no travellers and smoking whatever (plus bringing in other people, occupying the public areas, smoking in the patios in front of the a/c resulting in bad smells in the dormitory and noise...). Not really great for atmosphere and somehow feels weird (not like a place for the guests but rather a place for these guys to hang around). WiFi signal is very weak due to very old routers, breakfast ultra basic. Only plus is the very central location and that someone came to service the a/c. Beds are OK but most of the mattresses are covered with plastic bags for protection (sweaty, no ventilation but probably cheap for them!).

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