Hotel Palmas Del Sol i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayHotel Palmas Del Sol


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202 casi, Avenida España, 001218, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 449 485
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.2842019, Longitude: -57.6261271

kommentar 5

  • Zbyněk



    Good and cheap hotel, close to the old city. Very beautiful patio backyard garden inside the hotel.

  • Nona Vue

    Nona Vue


    Stayed here on two different occasions. Some of their doors are tricky to open but most of them have beautiful window views. The food is good, and they're able to serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner which is very beneficial. The location is also nice because it's in an area where you can easily walk around and access a lot of stores and sights. A good place to stay at!

  • Milhen Achar

    Milhen Achar


    Nice for European tourists, but be careful of people who live in a neighbouring slum.

  • Olivier Bourgeois

    Olivier Bourgeois


    Clean. Staff is very professional. A nice small swimming pool. Wifi is good but sometimes slow.

  • Carlos Masi

    Carlos Masi


    Budget hotel close to the downtown under the same management as the popular but rather far-out Portal del Sol hotel. Although it faces onto a rather grimy section of Avenida España, it's only just round the corner from the Plaza Uruguaya.

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