Granados Park Hotel i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayGranados Park Hotel


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Estrella, 9999, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 497 921
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Latitude: -25.2813, Longitude: -57.63789

kommentar 5

  • Natural Tanner

    Natural Tanner


    The pictures of the pool and jacuzzi on cheapoair hotels and on their site are misleading and deceptive because the jacuzzi wasn't even working or clean and the pool was also not lighted and clean enough to actually go into. The pools there don't have water circulating for it to stay fresh and I saw the pool man throwing 3 different chemicals into the pool which is totally toxic and people should not be swimming in because it would be horrible for the skin and body especially if you accidentally swallow the water! It's not like the pools in the U.S. They also provide 2 complimentary massages which we were not able to take advantage of because we were told it would cost $25 for 30min. so we did one session but turned out we could've both had 1 session free which we lost out on, on top of the gross pool situation which I had been looking forward to using while there for 2 weeks which was not an option. They served the same breakfast items for 2 weeks, no variety although good quality food and good front desk service which was about it. Laundry is extra not free like they make it show that their amentities all look free on cheapoair but got a surprise bill for $80 on laundry, not to mention the free shuttle is only coming to the hotel from the airport if you're lucky enough to get a hold of someone at the hotel counter to set that up for you since the shuttle is not going to wait all day at Silvio Airport, and the shuttle is not included free on your way back to the airport when departing.

  • Gonzalo Arroyo

    Gonzalo Arroyo


    Luxurious hotel but there was no hot water in our luxury room. Food at the restaurant was delicious

  • Marcus Kaufhold (Maci Kun)

    Marcus Kaufhold (Maci Kun)


    Old city center located and beautiful decorated, but very bad maintenance in general. + free water and apples at check-in desk + various amenities + own parking - Lobby Bathroom constantly has issues with trashcan, water installation loose or door lock broken. - way too overpriced [250usd] for the living quality [it's not 5 stars, more like 3.5 for decoration] - the action ain't anymore in the historic city center, its more around 'villa morra' and shopping del sol + kitchen is recommendable, but expect small and expensive portions compared to what others offer

  • Carlos Masi

    Carlos Masi


    Centrally located in downtown Asunción. It has a business centre, gym, sauna, pool.

  • Satya Muley

    Satya Muley


    Useless hotel unless you wnt to stay in centro for government work. Worst fiittigs and careless staff. Over priced. Brekfast is pathetic. See the photos of room which i uploaded. Its not even 3 star.

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