Hostel Asuncion Paraguay | Nomada Hostel i Asunción

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ParaguayHostel Asuncion Paraguay | Nomada Hostel



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1156, Iturbe, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 984 105050
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.2911507, Longitude: -57.6374883

kommentar 5

  • David B

    David B


    Spending a couple of weeks here. Despite the pandemic situation, it's been a very pleasant staying here. Room is super, clean and spacious. Garden is amazingly green with flowers and palms. I've seen lots of hummingbirds, and there's a pool as well. Breakfast is included and very delicious! Hosts are super cool, friendly and helpful. Location is good, center is 10mins by walk. Supermercado is a few blocks away. Highly recommend! Thanks for everything, it's been a pleasure meeting you both and staying at your place.

  • frank eisfelder

    frank eisfelder


    Very nice place....

  • Heidi White

    Heidi White


    El Nomada is a very well run hostel, with a cheap bar and a great garden pool area for socialising. Kitchen is basic, but staff are great and the rooms are wonderful!

  • Giancarlo Casanova

    Giancarlo Casanova


    One of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed, great ambient, good vibes... it felt very warm like being at home. The personal is very nice and caring

  • Tommy Hendrickx

    Tommy Hendrickx


    Staff is friendly BUT the hostel is overpriced. Bathroom is very basic, similar to a prison style bathroom, not even a sink or mirror in the bathroom. Some rooms are located in the backyard and feel more like they were garages or storage rooms before converted in rooms. No windows. Staff plays the same music every day till 10 pm in the garden. When asked to lower the music twice, they didn't. Room was very noisy at night because the roof is similar to that of a garage, and trees above it keep touching it, so it gets super noisy. Not what you'd expect for this price.

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