Hotel Cecilia i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayHotel Cecilia



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2251, Estados Unidos, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 210 365
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.2872396, Longitude: -57.6260011

kommentar 5

  • Donovan Boucher

    Donovan Boucher


    Beautiful hotel with a great rooftop pool and excellent breakfast.

  • Dean Mayer

    Dean Mayer


    Excellent service. We appreciated the staff who spoke English very well in addition to Spanish. The complimentary breakfast was amazing. They serve the best coffee. The chipa was freshly made and tasted so good. Fruits were very ripe and fresh. Rooms were very spacious and clean with very comfortable beds and pillows.

  • Fun with BB & Aubrey

    Fun with BB & Aubrey


    "Their customer service from the moment you walk in until check out is excellent! They cater to your every detail and they are very attentive to your needs. I will definitely go back with my whole family. I want to thank the whole staff personally especially Mr. Santiago, Mrs.Susana and Mrs.Ingrid for everything you guys are amazing

  • Marcelo Vargas

    Marcelo Vargas


    Very good location and service. The best restaurant in town is in this hotel. This hotel deserves some time to enjoy the facilities.

  • Rita Lamy Freund

    Rita Lamy Freund


    All employees were friendly and helpful. The room was very properly cleaned. Breakfast was good. I would only suggest to add a lighter cheese and to put only fresh fruits in the fruit salad.

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