Tranquilo i Paraguarí

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Potrero Alto La Colmena 4470, 091606, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.9394881, Longitude: -56.8431007

kommentar 5

  • guga benegas

    guga benegas


    We went looking for the darkest night sky in that part of the country, Tranquilo fulfilled all expectations, apart from that, the place is beautiful and lives up to its name. Pure nature with all the comforts of the city. There is very good reception from Personal and Tigo.

  • niki rojas

    niki rojas


    Beautiful paradise to enjoy nature and spend beautiful moments. The beautiful cabin with all the comforts. The attention of the owners is excellent, very good people. Totally recommended

  • Li Gutiérrez

    Li Gutiérrez


    The name could not do better merit in truth, a simple, clean inn, and with all the comforts, the attention was excellent and the place is beautiful. Highly recommended to relax and unwind.

  • Kim



    A wonderful place, made by wonderful people !! We have won you very much and we will meet again! On the Road or Tranquilo !! Power to the People ✌

  • Liliane Noguera

    Liliane Noguera


    The place is beautiful, it is really worth traveling there and enjoying the peace that exists. The road is in very good condition, it can be reached with a low car. The view is very privileged and they have to go hiking in a very dense forest with leafy trees. I recommend going prepared because there are many bugs, but many, of all kinds 😅. The only objectionable thing is that the pizzeria is rented to medium-sized groups and they have the right to use the pool by limiting the space for guests, but that is left to the consideration of each visitor. The pizza is delicious, really glad to have met this beauty!

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