Posada Turística El Cordero, Ybycuí i Ybycuí

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ParaguayPosada Turística El Cordero, Ybycuí


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Ybycuí 091608, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 971 666175
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Latitude: -26.0134592, Longitude: -56.9759597

kommentar 5

  • Marisol Vera

    Marisol Vera


    Highly recommended! Beautiful place!

  • Federico Vallejos

    Federico Vallejos


    This inn is a very good place...everything is very well equipped...and the kindness of the owners is incredible...excellent attention...!!

  • Ellen Baez

    Ellen Baez


    Beautiful property located on a rural, dirt road about 10 minutes from the town of Ybycui. The owners were very attentive from the moment we made the reservation to the moment we left (aka great customer service). Our main goal for the trip was to stay near the town and near the national park (Parque Nacional Ybycui), and this property was perfect for this (10 minutes from the town and 30 minutes from the park). The little cabin had air conditioning, a TV, little table, hot plate, little refrigerator, private bathroom and shower - basically everything you need for a short stay. We told the owner ahead of time that we wanted to eat dinner there, and she made us dinner. They have a short, but nice menu - and it is my understanding that sometimes they may also have a few things to offer that aren't listed (so ask!). The prices were very reasonable. The owner also made us breakfast in the morning, which was a part of the price of the stay. There are lots of birds flying around, and the view of the San Jose Hill is gorgeous.

  • Enrique Montiel

    Enrique Montiel


    Good atmosphere, excellent staff treatment, amenities.

  • William Rotela

    William Rotela


    Ideal place to spend a different weekend or to hold any type of event! It offers a beautiful landscape and the sunsets and sunrise in the place are incredible 💪💪 The Lamb is recommended 👌

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