Posada La Fogata i Hugua Hu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayPosada La Fogata


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JRH4+FC9, Hugua Hu, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 981 494253
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Latitude: -25.3713285, Longitude: -57.1938979

kommentar 5

  • Ivan Rodríguez

    Ivan Rodríguez


    Very beautiful place, perfect to go to clear up a few days

  • Lenny Lugo

    Lenny Lugo


    Ideal inn to disconnect from work stress or other stressful situations. It has cabins to rent and spend a relaxing weekend connected with nature, it is surrounded by lots of vegetation, a volleyball and soccer field, and a swimming pool. For plant lovers, it has a nursery where they can buy the plants they like for the home or take as gifts. Important, reservation and payment must be made per reservation. High demand for the place.

  • totty torba

    totty torba


    Very nice place, lots of vegetation and pleasant to spend the day

  • David Adrián Leckie

    David Adrián Leckie


    Highly recommended to enjoy the beautiful place. Excellent attention. 👌👍💪💪💪

  • Elisa Correa

    Elisa Correa


    Very good place to spend some time with the family! We stayed in the Cristal house, everything very clean and cozy. Ideal for rest. Very good experience.

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