Esplendor by Wyndham Asunción i Asunción

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ParaguayEsplendor by Wyndham Asunción



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2822, Avenida Aviadores del Chaco, 1726, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 601 626
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.280932, Longitude: -57.5593908

kommentar 5

  • Gunnar Jordan

    Gunnar Jordan


    Hotel Esplendor is located near a wonderful shopping mall (Shopping del sol). Breakfast buffet is good. I had a nice stay.

  • Adam Adamkowski

    Adam Adamkowski


    Nice liaction close to the airport. Very nice staff. WiFi could work better. Great restaurant on the Base level.

  • Chad DeMott

    Chad DeMott


    Amazing food at their restaurant. Very kind check in staff. Check out staff was different and uninformed about my previous payment. Rooms very clean with beautiful views!

  • N EF

    N EF


    Great pool; not recommended for weekends as it gets crowded quite easily because it's a small space. Food at the rooftop is great. Would definitely go again for the day use option. Friendly staff too.

  • José Silvero

    José Silvero


    The place has an outstanding location for this city. Including as said by others: Great views, walking distance from the 2 most important shopping malls available. Thanks to a Genius upgrade by Booking it was good value for money. Hotel staff was very polite and efficient. Check-in and out was smooth as well as parking accommodation easily arranged. 24hs reception as expected. They granted particular requests such as sending up wine cups (that were not available inside the room) or extending the stay 30 more minutes over the check-out time. Everything was quite clean inside and out of the room. Bubble bath was particularly enjoyable. About the upgrade though, the "Superior King Room" was and was not much of an upgrade… although it had at least enough size. Reasons: No Smart TV included, payed cable channels TV available yes. Not even a speaker or sound-system to play your own music. Bedside furniture required you to leave the bed to place things upon them as it was too low (on the floor!) Breakfast sent to the room was fair and sent middle-warm but they forgot sweeteners for the coffee. Nothing in the room minibar… except for 2 bottles of local bottled water.

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