Sixt Alquiler de coches - Asunción Aeropuerto i Lúke

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ParaguaySixt Alquiler de coches - Asunción Aeropuerto



🕗 åbningstider

Silvio Pettirossi Highway, Lúke 2060, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 607 269
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.241604, Longitude: -57.513883

kommentar 5

  • Alison Souza

    Alison Souza


    There is no one in the office ... they don't do anyone to solve. In an airport it is absurd ... unfortunately.

  • Aldo Zuniga

    Aldo Zuniga


    Very clear and friendly staff ... a 10 for them ... nothing to say

  • Maria Leon

    Maria Leon


    Very attentive, they complied with the agreement

  • Phong Nguyễn Khải

    Phong Nguyễn Khải


    In addition, the use of advanced glass aluminum doors for windows system offers high aesthetics, weather resistant, soundproof, good insulation, able to show space and get the light. good house ... The project is located on the ring road Cau Niem, the bustling business district of the city red phoenix today. With the advantage of infrastructure, location, the emergence of Bach Dang Luxury Residence will become one of the busiest business district, modern residential area is worth living and is considered as " healthy, prosperous "for each home, where each business district is concentrated in each category.

  • carlos ferreira

    carlos ferreira


    Very good!!

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