Panaderia Y Cafeteria Unión i Curuguaty

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ParaguayPanaderia Y Cafeteria Unión



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Unnamed Road, Curuguaty, Villa Curuguaty, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 976 820746
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Latitude: -24.4663624, Longitude: -55.6954157

kommentar 5

  • German Rojas

    German Rojas


    They give bread with the empanadas, it can't be that in Paraguay they don't give you that, I understand that the owners are Brazilian but the customers are the ones who keep the business buying and the majority are Paraguayan, besides that it is not spicy and the dressings come is those little sachets that you waste time opening and it's crap put hellmans ketchup and spicy knnor and savora.

  • Rodrigo Martinez - FACITEC UNICAN

    Rodrigo Martinez - FACITEC UNICAN


    Good experience, good food and above all the price, you eat well and the prices are very reasonable for their products.

  • Génesis Vianeis Ledesma Villasboa

    Génesis Vianeis Ledesma Villasboa


    They have all the means of payment, the attention is excellent from the girls at the counter, they have a variety of sweets and savouries. Recommended.

  • Lidia Torres

    Lidia Torres


    Very good place..Owners are Brazilian, Good price and delicious everything...♡♡`

  • K Benítez

    K Benítez


    The chipa is really really good.

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