Hogar Guarani Apart i Santa Rita

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayHogar Guarani Apart



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Santa Rita, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 981 289369
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.8248956, Longitude: -55.1120244

kommentar 5

  • Camila Do Amaral

    Camila Do Amaral


  • Tatiana MezaCaceres

    Tatiana MezaCaceres


    Very good reception, very clean place

  • Maria Helena Lichevicz

    Maria Helena Lichevicz


  • Ra Ker

    Ra Ker


    I spent several days in this Apart Hotel. The attention of its owners is excellent, always ready to solve any problem. The apart has internal covered parking, refrigerator, stove, electric oven, toaster, blender, electric kettle, kitchen elements, cutlery, plates, glasses, some cooking elements (oil, many condiments), air conditioning in the rooms, wardrobe with hangers, living room with cable tv, wifi, breakfast table with those high chairs, another table with chairs. It is a clean and well-kept place. I was hot in the living room, I raised the problem and after a while they were with a portable air conditioner that solved the problem for me. It is set back from Route 6, so traffic noise does not reach and there is silence to rest. I totally recommend this place.

  • sergio alberto gomez

    sergio alberto gomez


    It is a nice place and has a refrigerator and electric stove. Special in case one wants to stay a few days. Private parking

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