Alsa Rent A Car SRL. i 842

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ParaguayAlsa Rent A Car SRL.



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Profesor Delia Frutos de González, 1209, 842, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 974 203720
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.2824472, Longitude: -57.5656993

kommentar 5

  • Rumilda Straub

    Rumilda Straub


    Terrible service, absolutely avoid! On 18/12/18, we hired a Hyunday H1 vehicle at the ALSA Rent a Car agency in Asunción, Paraguay. We arrived tired, after a trip of almost 24h, and we took the unsuspecting vehicle that was in good condition. Unfortunately, we realized after a while that this was not the case. Actually, we face a succession of problems, which I detail below. - The engine had a fault on the day of the return trip to Asunción, when the engine suddenly lost its power and we finished the trip from San José at an average of 50 km / h. I let you imagine the stress caused by the fear of getting lost on the flight back to Europe. Actually, this problem was the last of a succession of other deficiencies. - From the first day, the air conditioning was deficient (fan failure probably) and produced a very loud noise. I leave you to imagine the inconvenience given the temperatures of the station in Paraguay. - One of the front lights was poor, which is very problematic given the obligation to walk with lights lit day and night. It was necessary to get off the vehicle regularly to check the lights and manipulate them. - We had several mechanical failures, including a day we could not start and we had to call a family mechanic to help (we called the agency on this day and we were told there was no way to help), and - The windshield wiper tank was broken and did not hold the water. These problems have been verified by the staff of ALSA when we returned the car on 01/01/19. However, until this day, we can not have an answer to our claim from the company. In conclusion, I recommend absolutely avoiding this rental agency.

  • Alberto Alderete

    Alberto Alderete


    Excellent service

  • Mario Daniel Acosta Martinez

    Mario Daniel Acosta Martinez


    Variety of cars and good prices. They adapt to your needs.

  • Maria Belen Lopez Insfran

    Maria Belen Lopez Insfran


    Excellent service

  • Andres Suarez

    Andres Suarez


    we weigh

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