Vision Banco i San Lorenzo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayVision Banco



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PY02, 111430, San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 414 3000
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Latitude: -25.34514, Longitude: -57.5074482

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Ramos

    Daniel Ramos


    The attention is terrible, more than an hour and a half sitting waiting for customer service that never came. They don't give a solution. They are many personal and little attention. A pity to waste time like that.

  • Martin Ruiz Díaz Díaz

    Martin Ruiz Díaz Díaz


    There is a long wait for the simple act of paying at the cashier and when it was my turn they let in a lady who had just entered (without any disability or in a state of pregnancy) and when I made the claim the cashier responded to me in a haughty manner. Lack of education or training of that branch's staff. I called customer service to complain and they didn't even write down my information. In short, lack of respect for the client and unprofessionalism.

  • juan rojas

    juan rojas


    I arrived and after waiting a little more than 1 hour I complained about the delay, I asked if it is normal for it to take so long... since I just wanted to cash a check and they suggested that I go to the Salemma branch or the shopping center... After the claim, my number magically came out...

  • Joel Adorno

    Joel Adorno


    The waiting time is too long. Wait an hour today to make a deposit. That part must improve a lot. There is a lot of time wasted to do such a simple operation.

  • Juana Elizabeth García Esquivel

    Juana Elizabeth García Esquivel


    Very slow customer service. I have a 10:49 ticket and now it is 11:51 and people who arrived 5 minutes ago have been served. The priority of queries is understood, but waiting more than 1 hour???

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