Supermercado Alemán i Colonia Neufeld

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguaySupermercado Alemán



🕗 åbningstider

Wiesenstraße, Colonia Neufeld, Tres de Mayo, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 983 283813
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.450137, Longitude: -55.9109853

kommentar 5

  • Alex Schmitt

    Alex Schmitt


    Sehr große Auswahl an Lebensmitteln. Freundliche Bedienung sowie Halter. Sauber und ordentlich wie es sich gehört.. Weiter so, kann nur weiter empfehlen.

  • Swetlana Schön

    Swetlana Schön


    We are glad that we have such a good store in our colony. The store has all the goods and we don’t have to go out to buy something. The store has everything and the goods are always fresh, which makes us very happy. May the Lord bless you and your store.

  • Alex Kuss

    Alex Kuss


    A very nice, bright and clean supermercado with a large selection of products of different quality. A very good and friendly staff and always helpful with questions. A very big asset for the area. Wish the owner much success.

  • Toni Wagner

    Toni Wagner


    Great products. The quality is unbeatably good. The staff is very friendly and helpful. I can only recommend everyone to take a look.

  • Roman Siewert

    Roman Siewert


    Very clean with a wide variety of products. 👍🏽 A great asset for the area. I wish the owners a good business.

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