Hotel y granja doña Ramonita i Coratei

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayHotel y granja doña Ramonita



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Ayolas, Coratei 080207, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 984 309588
internet side:
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Latitude: -27.4119203, Longitude: -56.9552715

kommentar 5

  • Juan Marcelo Gonzalez

    Juan Marcelo Gonzalez


    There is no security in the place.. They stole our things while we went fishing.. I talked to the managers and they didn't know what to say.. There are no cameras or anything.. I took my family.. The long weekend.. I thought It was a good place.. Disappointed..

  • Rockero Sil

    Rockero Sil


    The lady who attended us by a blonde was very unpleasant in her treatment when we told her that we had not seen the signaling signs, she indicated them to us in a very unpleasant and misplaced way

  • Eli T.

    Eli T.


    The place is pleasant, the service is good, but the value for money is not worth it, we took the complete package with fishing but it left a lot to be desired, the boat that was made available to us on the first day had a broken seat, the pilot forgot his vests, it only took us to two fishing spots, a river that size with two fishing spots???? We didn't catch anything, not even a pull on the line😔 The price is very high for what is offered, the food is simple and of good quality, the only option is a cooked meal, every day, a simple breakfast with very few options 😔😔. I didn't like it, I don't recommend it!!!!

  • ercilia samaja

    ercilia samaja


    At the arrival at this place is not something we desired to see when we arrive. The local is only for fisherman's who park for a short amount of time. The hygiene in the bedrooms , bathrooms and the livings room is definitely horrible, terrible. They have very low in experience for people who are willing to stay for the night. The food here is good.. I would not recommend to come to this place. Warning There is no WIFI BUT APPARENTLY THERE IS WIFI BUT THEY WON'T GIVE TO YOU no explanation why. Somehow they blame the pandemic which is nonsense. People come here with high expectation and leave with a disgrace on their face. The chairs outside or the "lobby" the rooms are disgusting and disturbing just to look at them.

  • Angello Salinas-Romero (Angello De JESÚS)

    Angello Salinas-Romero (Angello De JESÚS)


    Very bad customer service 👎🏿

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