Hospital San Jorge, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología ASUNCION i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayHospital San Jorge, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología ASUNCION



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Asunción, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 292 519
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Latitude: -25.2567786, Longitude: -57.5465584

kommentar 5

  • José Daniel Massi

    José Daniel Massi

    :: can't be. With how difficult it is to get there, and how long it takes to get a consultation, usually 2 months, the system comes and goes down and you can no longer schedule consultations. It is sad to see elderly people who come to the consultation and cannot be scheduled because there is no system. Even the pharmacy doesn't work. What precariousness

  • Bruno Viñales

    Bruno Viñales


    Excellent attention from doctors and nurses... congratulations... the facility is very nice and clean!!

  • andresvalcoach



    Very good fast and professional service

  • Rafael Ramirez Villanueva

    Rafael Ramirez Villanueva


    Impeccable in every way, from its excellent professionals to the cleanliness. My operation was a success and until now, which was 2 years ago, I never felt any discomfort.

  • Johanna Gimenez

    Johanna Gimenez


    Very good service from the military who guide you where to park and clear up all your doubts. As for the healthcare center, the care is agile, it has an excellent team of doctors. As for infrastructure, they have ample parking and an emergency area.

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