Hospedaje DAMI i Fuerte Olimpo

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ParaguayHospedaje DAMI


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Ruta Bahia Negra, Fuerte Olimpo, Fuerte Olimpo, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 497 281 142
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Latitude: -21.0412851, Longitude: -57.8742557

kommentar 5

  • Manuela Badilla Rajevic

    Manuela Badilla Rajevic


    We had an excellent stay at the lodge. The room was very comfortable and the hosts very friendly. They also prepared a delicious dinner for us!

  • Librado Acosta

    Librado Acosta


    Very nice place and the owner is very formidable 🤩

  • Dudu Latbala

    Dudu Latbala


    The Star is the honesty and simplicity of the transparent. Unique 👏🙏. How not to love that place

  • Luigi Luigi

    Luigi Luigi


    Four stars for this small hotel for the kindness, friendliness and hospitality of the owner Mrs. Silvia who is also an exceptional cook. Really good. We ate for two days, lunch and dinner, delicious and genuine dishes. The inn is also the home of the lady who lives with her husband, daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. Wandering around the town of Fuerte Olimpo I saw that the hospedaje Dami is in better shape than the other buildings. It has about 13-14 rooms, all facing the courtyard, some with en-suite bathrooms and others with bathrooms outside. However all with air conditioning. I think it's the best hospedaje in the area which it deserves.

  • Freddy Paul

    Freddy Paul


    Cleanliness, courtesy, rooms with air conditioning and private bathroom TV, we had a beautiful week in this place and the kitchen lady was a delight!! Highly recommended for the most demanding.

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