Don Patron - Hotel&Eventos i Villarrica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayDon Patron - Hotel&Eventos



🕗 åbningstider

esquina, desvío a Iturbe, 5000, Villarrica, Villarrica, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 992 257512
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.8601016, Longitude: -56.4166712

kommentar 5

  • johana fleitas

    johana fleitas


    Good hotel, friendly staff, nice grounds and atmosphere.

  • Anna Semeraro

    Anna Semeraro


    Very friendly and warm welcome. Uncomplicated processing. We came by spontaneously and were allowed to look at the room. Sufficient parking spaces available. The area is closed and safe.

  • Bianca Cárdenas

    Bianca Cárdenas


    A beautiful place, a lot of green, good decoration, but it needs a bit of thorough cleaning. The food is good but a bit expensive.

  • Emanuel Sanchiz

    Emanuel Sanchiz


    Excellent location. Secluded but just a few minutes from Villarrica. A super comfortable and spacious place, with a beautiful property. It has a nice pool. The rooms are quite comfortable and complete. The administrators are very cordial and the staff takes good care of you. Breakfast is quite complete. The food in general is good. The point to improve would be the quality of the wifi in the rooms. In short, I went with the expectation of finding a comfortable, spacious and quiet place and the truth is that I was very satisfied. If you are going to visit Guaira, I 100% recommend this hotel.

  • Melissa Martinez

    Melissa Martinez



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