Cine i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Avenida Aviadores del Chaco y Prof. Gonzalez Shopping del Sol, Asunción, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 21 419 8888
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.2823625, Longitude: -57.5663204

kommentar 5

  • Charles Viveros

    Charles Viveros


    Very confy chairs

  • Matias Sosa

    Matias Sosa



  • en

    Edgar Ayala



  • Maci K

    Maci K


    Average Cinema. Not worth to watch anything there, if Cinemark has the same Movie in top quality for a similar price. The projectors of this cinema are too weak to lighten up the screen. Don't watch 3D here, since the polarized glasses make it even darker. White and bright colors are more like grey and in the shadows it is hard to see details. I watched Jumanji recently, I was shocked when I saw the trailer on a LED TV outside near the cashier. Colors popping, bright skies, the faces of the black actors were actually recognisable. While during the movie I wasn't able to see all those things at all. You go to Cinemark and you get a very powerful image, better seats and a higher resolution of details. This said, Cine del Sol is not enjoyable with Cinemark next door.

  • en

    Aris Papaiakovou


    The seats are comfortable, the sound and picture quality is fine. The issue is that there is a dance club nearby and you can hear the music while your watching the movie. Annoying! I would not recommend until they solve the issue.

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