Cerrajeria Master Lock i Asunción

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayCerrajeria Master Lock



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y, Profesora Delia Frutos de González, Asunción, Asunción, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 981 483127
internet side: www.cerrajeriamasterlock.com.py
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.283155, Longitude: -57.56624

kommentar 5

  • Gustavo Maciel

    Gustavo Maciel


    Good 24-hour emergency service, excellent attention, recommended 👌

  • victoria ferreira

    victoria ferreira


    I liked

  • Barbara A. Insfran B.

    Barbara A. Insfran B.


    Fast and efficient. A bit expensive but very good.

  • Annabel Pitaud

    Annabel Pitaud


    The restaurant is located in the parking lot of shopping sun. The attention is fast and precise. If the key copy has a problem, they solve it. They also make copies of electric gate control. They accept credit card payments only from 30,000gs.

  • Juan Quintana

    Juan Quintana


    Terrible service. In an emergency "solved" the handle of my apartment and charged 140,000gs for 10 min of work. After 4 days he had the same problem, we called him again and when he remembered that he was the one who said, "he had to change the latch then" and if he went back he would charge 480,000 gs. A thief.

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