Cercanía Art Gallery i Fernando de la Mora

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayCercanía Art Gallery


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y, Campo Via, Fernando de la Mora, San Lorenzo, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 971 157414
internet side: www.cercaniaapp.com
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Latitude: -25.329317, Longitude: -57.5272142

kommentar 5

  • Pao Yegros

    Pao Yegros


    Super cozy, and beautiful ☺️ They treat you super well and their spectacular gastronomy

  • Jeong Hwa Johana Yang Chang

    Jeong Hwa Johana Yang Chang


    A place where one can enjoy art, coffee, food, music and chat. WHAT IS CLOSE? The CERCANÍA APP is a mobile application that serves as an online sales platform through which a Shop (commercial store and / or artisans) can display and promote its products, offering its customers the service of buying from their comfort. We target those who most need to be exposed to the public. We intend to be a more accessible sales platform for shops, artists and artisans who only depend on a physical window or on services such as FB and IG. The CERCANÍA ART GALLERY is a FREE gallery of local art and crafts that emerged as a support to artists and artisans who were looking for spaces to exhibit their works. It offers free spaces for exhibitions and workshops to those most in need. It also offers PICTURE RENTAL service to offices or shops as an alternative in decoration and to give you an opportunity to invest in local art. This rental service will generate many more opportunities: exhibition and sale opportunities for artists and artisans, opportunities to fulfill social responsibility for companies.

  • 김진철



    A place where you can appreciate paintings of Paraguay. A great place to refresh yourself when you have time to spare.

  • jk 47 555

    jk 47 555


    Excellent very cozy and beautiful place ideal to visit and see art.

  • Julieta Chang

    Julieta Chang


    How cute ~~~ !!! ♡♡♡

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