Cantina La Barra i Curuguaty

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ParaguayCantina La Barra



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Unnamed Road,, G8H4+WX4, Curuguaty, Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 972 199995
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -24.4702499, Longitude: -55.6925552

kommentar 5

  • Lidia Torres

    Lidia Torres


    Very good place. Fast food gastronomy Very good attention @ ñaMuky

  • Lourdes Gamarra

    Lourdes Gamarra


    Good location when you get to the city, very ludo place and very good products to consume

  • Julio Ruben Elizeche Flores

    Julio Ruben Elizeche Flores


    This is one of the most beautiful places in Curuguaty for lunch, snack and dinner. Attended by the owner Doña Ada has a bar to serve the pass or for people who want the outdoors and also the air-conditioned room with a huge TV. The service is the best. The meals are very tasty. Excellent 5 stars I recommend yes or yes... Again and always here.. Today 12/2020.. I see the place very renovated... come and check the quality of what you are reading...

  • Jonny Coronel

    Jonny Coronel


    Very delicious meals!!

  • Idh Idh

    Idh Idh


    Very good quality your products

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