Alvica San Bernardino i San Bernardino

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ParaguayAlvica San Bernardino



🕗 åbningstider

Colonos Alemanes, 031602, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, PY Paraguay
kontakter telefon: +595 994 448422
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.3098691, Longitude: -57.2997543

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Arias

    Francisco Arias


    Bad attention from the cashier, it took her 5 minutes to serve me being the only one in line. Some customers are taken to the table and others are told to leave the balcony, and the atmosphere is full of flies, a little uncomfortable when it comes to consuming food inside the premises.

  • Brenda Paredes

    Brenda Paredes


    I placed my order at the checkout and then told the cashier that I was going to the restroom. By the way, the bathroom was dirty, it didn't even have toilet paper. Your hand soap is more water than soap. I asked the cashier if I could sit down and she said yes, she would bring the food to the table, after a few minutes she asked me to get up to charge me and then she made me remove the food from her counter, that is, I finally served myself. I. I ordered a croissant, the cheese wasn't even melted. They didn't give me cutlery. I had to get up again to ask. Its orange juice full of seeds. Honestly I wouldn't go back.

  • Vicente Martinez

    Vicente Martinez


    Excellent service and very delicious everything, very good atmosphere 👌🏼

  • kata lina

    kata lina


    The coffee is very good, the sweets could be improved. The attention is good. But what I don't understand is why they serve everything in disposable containers. We don't order takeout. We sat in the restaurant and received coffee in cardboard or isopor cups, candy in plastic, and paper plates. The place looks nice and serves its products as a takeaway, producing unnecessary garbage.

  • Maria Julia

    Maria Julia


    Very good place for breakfast and snack ✨️ Very delicious coffee and excellent service 🫶

nærmeste Cafe

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